As A Wisconsin Woman Got To Know Her New Neighbor, An Eerie Coincidence Left Her Reeling

Hillary Harris was on a hunt. She was looking for her long-lost sister — even though she knew nothing but the woman’s first name. Would the two get on? Would Hillary even find her sibling in the first place? Then her neighbor received a package. And when Hillary saw what was on the front, she knew she had a very important question to ask.

Curious about her roots

Wisconsinite Hillary had been adopted as a baby. She didn’t really know anything about her birth parents, and for a long time she hadn’t really bothered looking into it. When she fell pregnant with a daughter of her own, however, she started to become curious.

A big disappointment

Sure enough, Hillary learned the names of her birth parents from the agency in charge of her adoption. Better yet, she was able to find her mom! But there was a disappointment. As Hillary later told the New York Post, that first encounter with her birth mother didn’t go quite as she’d expected.

No bond

“When I met my birth mom, I thought I would have this tingly feeling and an immediate bond. And I didn’t,” Hillary said back in 2018. But their reunion did provide one crucial piece of information. Hillary and her brother, Tyler, had been born after her mother’s affair with a man called Wayne Clouse.

Vital clues

Hillary would never get the chance to meet Wayne. He had sadly passed away in 2002 — years before she had begun tracing her roots. But she did uncover her dad’s obituary. And this gave Hillary a few more vital clues about her family tree.

A little about her sisters

The obituary revealed that Wayne had two other daughters: Dawn Johnson and Renee Diericks. Hillary also learned that Dawn was from Greenwood, Wisconsin, and that she had been crowned queen of the Loyal Corn Festival in 1983.

Not enough yet

Yet that information wasn’t enough for Hillary to find Dawn on Facebook. “I was having no luck with Dawn. I was beginning to think that I’d never find her,” the amateur sleuth told People magazine in 2018.

New neighbors arrive

Then new people moved into the house next door to Hillary and her husband. Kurt Casperson and his partner had considered more than 20 different properties before they finally bought their two-bedroom home in Eau Claire.

Familiar name

It wasn’t Kurt’s arrival that gave Hillary pause, though. She was more intrigued by his partner. “For me, something first clicked in June when I found out her name was Dawn and she was from Greenwood,” the mom told the New York Post.

Joking around

That name did sound a little familiar... Hillary even made fun of the coincidence with her husband, Lance. “[We] joked for a few weeks that [Dawn] was my sister, but we didn’t know her last name,” Hillary said. And the two practically brushed the whole thing off.

Too much of a coincidence

“We both laughed and said, ‘No way. No way that could be,’” Hillary added to People. But a few weeks on, a huge package arrived next door. That gave her the chance to find out her neighbor’s surname.

A fateful delivery

Hillary saw that her neighbors had received a big delivery of roof shingles. On top of the pile of supplies, someone had placed an eye-catching red tarpaulin. And they had marked it with the customer’s full name: Dawn Johnson.

Too good to be true?

Hillary couldn’t contain herself after finding out her neighbor’s last name. “I screamed and jumped all over the house. Then [I] called Lance and said, ‘Her name is Dawn Johnson! It has to be her,’” she said. But was it all too good to be true?

Lacked the courage to find out

Lance insisted that the two march right over to Dawn to get some answers. But Hillary couldn’t work up the courage to ask her neighbor any important questions. “I was just so nervous, and I was worried about rejection,” she admitted to People.

Picking up the phone

Then, that evening, Hillary found herself ready to confront her neighbor. She told the New York Post, “I began to shake. It was such an intense moment. It was late at night, but I finally got the courage to text her.”

A bizarre question

Using the information Hillary had learned about her half-sister, she texted Dawn a question. According to People magazine, she asked her, “Were you the Loyal Corn Fest queen in 1983?” It seemed an odd thing to inquire about out of the blue, and Dawn was bemused at first.

Who’s your dad?

“LOL, why are you asking that?” Dawn responded. It was then that Hillary “decided... to go for it.” Gathering her courage, she asked Dawn, “Who is your birth father?” Dawn simply replied, “Wayne Clouse.”

Unbelievable news

Understandably, Hillary “started hollering and freaking out.” Then she picked up the phone and called Dawn right away. “We were on the phone for hours that night, crying and talking. Neither of us could believe it,” she told People.

“How does that happen?”

It turned out that Dawn had never asked her birth father whether she had any siblings. “I was as shocked as Hillary was to learn that we were sisters,” she said to People. “We even share a driveway. We are literally 20 feet apart. How does that happen?”

Sisters united

But whatever forces brought Hillary and Dawn together, they’ve united them in a big way. “We’re pretty much inseparable now, and we know this was meant to be. Our story is living proof that it pays not to give up,” Hillary revealed.

Looking for a happy ending

And no one knows the longing for a fairytale ending better than Sarah Culberson. Adopted as a baby, she grew up with a lot of questions. Were her birth parents successful, rich, happy? Well, her search led her down a path that astonished her — and the world.

Lifelong questions

Sarah Culberson had been adopted into a new family when she was just one year old. Obviously, she had no memory of her birth parents or what they were like. And though her adoptive mom and dad were kind and loving, she always wondered about the people who brought her into the world.

Community ties

There was another aspect to her search, too. Culberson’s adoptive parents were white, but she herself was biracial. She was actually one of the very few non-white people in the Morgantown community where she was raised. And that led her to wonder all the more about where she came from and what her background was.

Closed adoption

As she grew older, Culberson felt compelled to find out. She had a lot of questions and the only way she could answer them was by tracing her roots. Her adoptive parents couldn’t tell her much, as the adoption had been a closed one, but they were very supportive. So they also didn’t know the stunning secret of Culberson’s heritage.

Culberson’s early life

There was nothing in Culberson’s past to indicate what kind of revelations awaited her. But she often struggled growing up as a biracial kid in a white family. And in her 2009 memoir, published after her fascinating story caught the attention of the world, she wrote extensively about her childhood.

Blending in

“Even as a one-year-old, the day I left foster care and arrived at my new home, a neighborhood child asked my older sister: ‘Is she black or does she just have a really good tan?’” Culberson wrote in her book. “Instead of black or white, I felt like the brown girl who didn’t match. But I did everything I could to blend in and look like everyone else.”

A difficult time

The young Culberson spent a lot of time worrying about that sense of never “matching.” She wrote, “Most of the time in my classes, I was the only non-white student. Never wanting to disappoint my adopted family, I somehow came to the conclusion that I must be the representative of all biracial and black people in my predominately white town.”

Perfect enough

“Somewhere in another back pocket of memory, or still tingling in my cells from foster care, I knew how good I had it with my adopted family,” Culberson continued. “Whatever happened, I wanted to be good enough so that the Culbersons with their two, older, biological daughters, would never send me back.”

Going back

Culberson added that when she told her adoptive mom this, “she laughed, hugged me, and said, ‘Honey, where is back?’ I buried myself in her arms and said, ‘I don’t know. But I don’t want to go there.’” But as the young girl grew up, that would all change dramatically.

A deep-seated fear

“Adopted two days after my first birthday, it might seem strange this fear of going back,” Culberson mused in her book. “How can a one-year-old remember anything, much less the memories of an infant before her first birthday? And maybe children don’t remember things, only feelings — a sensation of safety, or one of dread and abandonment.”

Relinquishing a child

Had Culberson actually been abandoned? She wondered this a lot. One day at school she watched an educational video about adoption, which showed a mother giving up her child, and it had a huge effect on her. “I felt physically ill for this woman who had to give up her child,” she later wrote. “Rapid-fire questions shot through my mind.”

Multiple questions

“Where was the father in the video?” Culberson wondered at the time. “Where was my biological father? Why couldn’t the father in the movie help? Did my father ever help my mother? Did my father want to stay with my mother? Why didn’t my birth parents want me?” She desperately needed to know.

A few answers

A tearful Culberson asked her adoptive mother about the circumstances of her adoption. Her mother embraced her and provided all the details she could. Culberson had spent the first nine months of her life with her mom, named Penny, before she went into care. And Culberson’s original forename was actually Esther.

Sudden guilt

Culberson worried about what effect a search for her birth parents would have on her adoptive ones. “Guilt crept up my spine,” she recalled. “Maybe these questions about my biological parents hurt my mom? Why should I care or wonder about my biological parents when I have my mom and my dad and my two older sisters?”

An important family

But Culberson learned a little more from her mother. She was told that her father “was from Sierra Leone, Africa” and that he was “from an important family.” Her birth family apparently “had the most dignified presence,” but that was about all the information there was about him.

Crushing news

Culberson found her birth mom first, but it was too late to build a relationship. The woman in question had passed away due to cancer more than a decade ago. Culberson revealed, “I think this should have devastated me as it was the first time I actually heard of my biological mother’s death. But deep down I always considered the possibility that my birth mother was dead.”

Paying respects

This was obviously tough news to hear, but there was a silver lining. Culberson was able to meet some of her birth mother’s family and get to know a little bit about her. She got to see a photograph and learn what her birth mom had looked like, and she was also able to visit her gravestone and lay flowers.

Sense of wonder

In a 2021 interview with Fox News, given after Culberson discovered her true heritage, she talked about where her journey had gone from there. On the subject of her birth father, she said, “I realized I still had so many questions and little answers. I had made up this theory in my head. But then I began to wonder, what happened?”

Acting success

Culberson had other things going on in her life beyond the search, though. She gained a master of fine arts degree at The American Conservatory Theater and moved to Los Angeles to start working as an actress. She’s gone on to have roles in the shows Boston Legal and The Secret Life of the American Teenager among others.

Not too late

For a long time, Culberson felt fury towards her birth father. But she told Fox News that eventually, “I decided to let go of my anger and walk in his shoes for a moment. I was afraid that he didn’t want to meet me. But I realized that it was easier to be angry than to address my fears. I had to let go. I had to meet him. I didn’t want to wait until it was too late.”


So Culberson hired a private eye, and before long he had the information she needed. He gave her the address of her paternal aunt and uncle, who lived in Maryland. She sent them a handwritten message, wondering at the time if she’d get an answer. She did — and it was a world-changing one.

The remarkable truth

Culberson’s father, it turned out, was a man named Joseph Konia Kposowa and he was from the Mende tribe of Sierra Leone. But there was more: he was royalty of the Mende tribe. As the grandchild of a Paramount Chief, Culberson was a Mahaloi and thus a princess of her people.

Family reunion

Just weeks after that, Culberson was finally able to talk to her birth father via phone. She told Fox News, “The first thing he said to me was, ‘Please forgive me, I didn’t know how to find you. After you were placed for adoption, your name changed. Everything had changed.’ And I said, ‘No, please forgive me. Because I’ve always believed you didn’t want me in your life.’”

The reasons

Kposowa explained everything to his daughter. He told her that after she was born, he and her mother decided they simply weren’t able to care for her. So they gave her up for adoption in the hope she would have a better life. Culberson reassured her father that she had a wonderful childhood with her adoptive family.

Homecoming princess

Not long after that phone call, Culberson was able to meet her father and her people face to face for the first time. In 2004 she traveled to Bumpe, Sierra Leone. This was a thrilling and highly emotional experience for her. “It felt like coming home,” she told Fox News.

Sarah’s arrival

“I remember traveling through bumpy roads and then arriving in this village with hundreds of people, singing and dancing,” Culberson continued. “‘We’re preparing for Sarah!’ they chanted. My father gave me a green dress, and he wore a matching shirt. All the women who came forward were wearing the same green dress.”

A new community

The matching clothes were a tradition in the village, a sign of honor and community for an arriving guest. And the women had crossed the border to Guinea in order to get material to make them. “I was just pinching myself. It was overwhelming,” Culberson recalled. “But it was like a dream and I didn’t want to wake up from it.”

The terrible history

Despite everything, though, there was still a melancholy side to Culberson’s time in Bumpe. At the same time that she’d been growing up in America, a terrible civil war had ravaged Sierra Leone. And the ramifications were still clear for all to see. Buildings, including schools, had been ruined.

Reality check

“It was overwhelming,” Culberson told NBC News in 2020. “The reality wasn’t just, ‘I’m coming to meet my family, and everything’s perfect.’ It was a reality check. This is what people have been living through. This is my family. How is this princess going to be part of this community and make a difference in the country?”

Feeling responsible

“I could feel in the air that people were nervous and trying to protect themselves,” Culberson continued. “Even though there had been peace for two years, people were still on guard.” She still carried a crushing sense of responsibility even when she returned to the U.S. People from the village would call her up at night and ask for assistance.


So Culberson decided she’d help. First, she founded the non-profit organization Sierra Leone Rising, which rebuilt Bumpe’s high school and began advocating for better education, health, and female empowerment. The foundation then partnered with Rotary International to build more wells for drinking water.

Future projects

Culberson outlined her goals during an interview with NPR in 2007. “I really see the foundation being a source for other projects,” she explained. “Even after we pass away someday, that the foundation will keep going and sourcing other projects in West Africa, in Sierra Leone, in other parts of Africa to keep things moving forward.”

Balancing act

“Because, you know, this is where everything started. They’re us, and we’re them. There’s no difference,” the princess added. “If a part of our world is off-balance, it affects all of us. So I really feel like the foundation is going to keep moving forward with whatever comes next.”

Royal responsibilities

Since then, Culberson has thrown herself into her royal duties. Her foundation’s been working on improving education in the area, setting up computer hubs, and employing teachers. And when the global pandemic hit in 2020, the foundation launched a campaign called Mask on Africa encouraging people to wear face masks.

A father’s praise

Culberson’s adoptive family were deeply impressed by what she’d done in Bumpe. Her father James, a professor of neurobiology, told NBC in 2020: “Sarah was an outgoing, people-meeting one-year-old when we adopted her. She is still that same outgoing person who genuinely loves and enjoys almost everyone she meets.”

Important connections

“Almost from her first visit to Sierra Leone to meet her father, she saw her ‘princess’ role as one involving trying to find some way to help,” James continued. “She certainly recognized her close connection to a family and chiefdom and country; her work to improve life there has demonstrated tremendous personal growth in many areas.”

Whatever it takes

Culberson herself told NBC, “I was like, ‘Okay, let’s do this. I’m willing to do the work. Whatever it takes.’ This nonprofit has brought all of us together in such a wonderful way. My birth father and I have done a lot of work together with the foundation, along with my brother.” Yep, Culberson also got to meet her brother, Hindo Kposowa.

Big screen treatment

There are still big things ahead for Culberson and both her families. The Disney corporation — always interested in princesses — read her story and secured the rights to it. A movie based on her book A Princess Found: An American Family, an African Chiefdom, and the Daughter Who Connected Them All is set to be aired on Disney Plus in the near future.

The importance of learning

And Culberson’s thrilled about the movie idea. She told CNN in June 2021 that she believed it would be “a wonderful way for kids to learn about culture, adoption, and the power and impact of forgiveness, and having people get to know about different cultures that we don’t know about like Sierra Leone.”

The meaning of the title

But, as you can no doubt tell, she’s definitely not the kind of princess who’s only there for the dresses. “The title of princess means responsibility,” she told Fox News. “It’s my responsibility to make sure our people are okay and our communities are operating in the best way possible… My adopted parents raised me as educators so I grew up knowing the importance of always learning and growing. So it’s now my duty to give back.”