Can You Name These Fictional Royals?

If you want to blame someone for your lack of nobility — pin it on fictional royalty. From the time we are children, we’re inundated with stories of fairy-tale palaces, princes and princesses, and all the good stuff that comes with it. Whether you wanted to dress up as Cinderella or pretend to pull Excalibur from the stone, there’s a royal fantasy for everyone. So do you think you’re the stuff of kings and queens?

Which Disney Princess felt bored by palace life and longed for adventures with her tiger friend?

Can you remember the pint-sized ruler of Duloc who hated fairy-tale creatures?

She loves Westley, but is promised to marry another. Who is she? 


He’s the Emperor-Over-the-Sea, the King above all High Kings, and the King of Beasts. What’s his name? 

Despite his nontraditional parentage, this guy earned the spot of King of the North. 


Maleficent cursed this Disney Princess when she was just a little baby.


No matter how hard they try, who just can’t clean the blood from their hands?

Woodland animals, dwarves, and pretty much everyone is charmed by which princess?


Which royal left his home country of Zamunda for the United States to find a suitable partner?


Who is this mascot that represents a royally tasty fast-food chain?

Which of the Disney Princesses had mice make her clothes? 


This guy was BFFs with the six-fingered man and delighted in methods of torture.


Can you name the ruler of the undersea kingdom of Atlantica who feels super protective of his daughter? 

Which ruler of the Seven Kingdoms died after a boar-hunting accident? 


Identify the titan who ruled over the Pride Lands.


Who is this guy who held simultaneous titles of the King of Arnor and Gondor? 


Do you know the name of the Queen of Genovia?

This Disney princess fell in love with a royal beast. Who is she?

Poison was the long-awaited cause of death for this spoiled king.


His monarch status might be questionable, but he’s certainly the most powerful gorilla of all.

Do you know the name of this princess who kissed a frog who was a prince in disguise? 


Magical powers and secrets kept which royal sisters from bonding?


Do you know who’s the king and protector of Wakanda?

If you fall down the rabbit hole, be sure not to cross this execution-happy monarch.


The Mother of Dragons also goes by the title Khaleesi, but her given name is…


This ruler and his round table of knights might have actually existed, though they’re probably folklore.


He’s Shakespeare’s tragic hero Prince of Denmark. What’s his name?

By her own declaration, she’s the Mistress of Evil. Plus, she’s got really pointy cheekbones.


Watch out for this 7-foot tall woman who turns creatures to stone with the flash of her wand.

Who is the young space traveler who lands on Earth and befriends a fox?

In the Game of Thrones universe, which villainous ruler was secretly in love with her brother?


Around Halloween Town, which person holds the title of Pumpkin King?

This teenage girl learned of her princess status and promptly freaked out. Who is she?

Dividing his power and land to his daughters was all based on flattery for which Shakespeare character?

Which royal was the victim of a curse that made her transform into an ogre?

She was a Queen and Senator of Naboo but it all went south after she married Anakin Skywalker. 

Do you know the names of the kids who passed through a wardrobe and became Kings and Queens of Narnia?

Can you name the half-elven character who marries Aragorn?

Who is the guy known as the Asgardian god of thunder?


Can you remember the protagonist of the TV series about a badass female fighter?