A Second Glance At These Photos Reveals Nothing Is Quite As It Seems

Some photos you hold dear to your heart – like those hilarious snaps of you and the fam on vacation, or your youngest’s adorable first school picture. Other photos? Well, they’re memorable for all the wrong reasons. They’re a little... off. Or, to put it bluntly, totally bizarre. Take these photographs, for example. Here, nothing is quite as it seems...

He skipped leg day

The bride and groom’s first dance is usually a truly special moment. But this one doesn’t feel right, does it? Did she marry a faun? Or the real-life Mr. Incredible? Ultimately, the dress is to blame for this bizarre visual – although it’s still pretty funny nonetheless.

The coolest cat in town

Selfies with pets are absolutely adorable. That white cat, though? We’re scared. This mean kitty looks like it’s about to jump on its Harley and head to a bar, ready for a brawl. Well, though cats can sometimes be, um, tricky to deal with, that “leather jacket” is actually just the seat the fluffy feline in this shot is sitting on.

Open arms

While the kid in the middle is clearly the tallest of the bunch, something’s still pretty strange here. You spotted it? We’re scared, too. Before you start having nightmares, though, let’s clear it up. That hand actually belongs to the guy who’s second from the left in the line.

"What are you reading?”

That newspaper article sure looks engrossing. But who’s really sitting in the armchair? Hmm, well, it may look as though the guy’s the one sneaking a peek at the headlines, but it’s the woman who’s actually leaning over. Those hairy arms and legs kinda give the game away!

“Who’s a big boy?”

Clifford the Big Red Dog finally has some competition, right? We’re sorry to burst your bubble. That’s not a new breed of giant canine but just two golden retrievers going out for a walk. And, yeah, we’re disappointed, too. Who doesn’t want a dog that all of the family can hug at the same time?

It’s all in the wrist

When they’re caught right, baby photos can be really cute. This one, though? It’s more freaky than adorable. Just look at the kid’s left hand! He could be a junior arm-wrestling champion – and his dad probably wouldn’t dare mess with him, either.

The sky is falling!

Move, Mr. Raccoon! Take cover! We’re anxious: that poor animal looks to be just seconds away from disaster. But have no fear. In reality, Mr. Racoon and his buddy are by a bed of water, and the rock is simply sitting on the surface. Thank goodness!

“How did I get here?”

We can’t tell if this kid looks amazed or terrified. Maybe he’s just noticed what we’re all seeing? Well, thankfully, he’s not really just a floating head. That “table” is actually a box with a pair of mirrors stuck to the sides of it. Clever!

Stretch Armstrong

Okay, so that thumbs up is a pretty good distraction from whatever the heck we have going on here. Are we looking at a young Stretch Armstrong?! Sadly, no. Upon closer inspection, that forearm belongs to another child under the table. Probably for the best, really.

“We are one”

Have you ever seen John Carpenter’s The Thing? That’s the vibe we’re getting from this photo. Of course, the truth is a little less horrifying. If you look past the angle, you’ll spot the woman’s arms tucked behind the little girl. She’s also the one wearing the shorts. Or we think that’s the case, anyway...

The real Benjamin Button

What a lovely snapshot. Just take a peek at the kid’s face – he’s a real-life Benjamin Button. Psych! The toddler’s head is actually at the perfect angle to seamlessly blend in with the old man’s facial features. He may still grow up to look like Brad Pitt, though.

Blending in

Quicksand? In an apartment block? That seems like poor municipal planning. And we bet that if you could see this woman’s face, her look of resignation would make the whole thing even funnier. But, no, what’s really going on here is just her leggings blending into the tiles. Boring, but simple.

X-ray vision

That’s a pretty nice black van, wouldn’t you say? And deceptively roomy, too – enough to house a table of seven people in the back! Unfortunately, you haven’t just discovered a dormant ability to see through sheet metal. Instead, you’re staring at a truly remarkable reflection that fits the vehicle perfectly – and that’s kind of impressive in itself.

The new iPhone

A glass of wine and a pack of cards – sounds like a fun evening to us! But doesn’t that phone look a little... small? Even by today’s standards? Well, it’s all about perspective. The device is really on the floor next to that lady’s foot, and the glass only gives the impression that it’s on the table.

Photobomber in training

With the tennis court in the background, this should be a pretty perfect shot. If you look a little lower, though, you’ll notice that the man and woman aren’t the only ones posing for the picture. A young boy has made his way in, too, and it looks as though he’s got a bright future as a photobomber.

Half-price pooch

What kind of monster is taking this photo? Why aren’t they helping the poor dog? Don’t worry, as the pooch hasn’t been carved in two during its time in the forest. Instead, it’s simply resting next to a wooden log with its back legs out of shot. Phew!

Hitching a ride

The group here probably got a shock when they looked at this photo for the first time. And we don’t blame them – it’s utterly hilarious! If you can’t see it, focus on the brunette woman’s jean skirt and slowly bring your eyes up. Yes, that guy in the background appears to be sitting on her back like a cowboy riding into town. Yee-haw!

The mirror universe

It’s a universal truth that coffee shops must feature mirrors all over the place. And this one appears to be no exception. Well, look again. Upon closer inspection, those two women aren’t sitting next to a reflective pane of glass but alongside another table. The ladies nearest the camera may just have encountered their doppelgängers!

“Let’s skip town”

This grasshopper looks a lot bigger than it actually is. Much bigger. In fact, you’d be forgiven for thinking that it was launching an attack on the local town. Where’s Godzilla when you need him?

Good times laid bare

Look at those smiles! You can tell this group’s had a good night. The girl in the middle may have had too good a night, actually, judging by how she’s ripped her clothes off. But before you avert your eyes, take another peek. The woman’s body is actually the arm of the lady next to her, positioned at a rather unfortunate angle.

Coming to a salon near you

That’s a unique hairstyle, isn’t it? But what’s really going on up there? Well, take a closer look... and hold in your screams. Credit where credit’s due: that woman’s certainly got some guts.

What a beautiful face

Wondering why someone snapped a picture of a random clothing rack? Then please have a look at the red shirts – specifically their sleeves. There’s an ominous face there, seemingly watching over the shop floor. Spooky!


At first glance, this is just another holiday snap. But it’s actually a whole lot freakier than that! Check the painting on the wall with a random man’s head in the corner. As it turns out, he’s part of the clan – and not on the canvas. It would’ve given new meaning to the phrase “picture-in-picture” if he was.

Mix and match

Yoga on the beach sounds pretty peaceful, right? Appealing, even, until you look at this snap. But don’t pack away your mat just yet. These women aren’t using each other’s backs as support but their stomachs – which, let’s face it, is still beyond most of us. We don’t know about you, but our spine hurts just looking at this.

"Is Jurassic Park open?”

Coatis are some of the cutest animals around, so we don’t blame this person for snapping a shot of them. If you look at the group from a certain angle, though, they’re hilariously similar to a herd of dinosaurs. Maybe they could be used as stand-ins in the next Jurassic World movie?

Where’s your head at?

As a parent, there are few things more fun than taking your child out swimming. Mind you, this snapshot has a better chance of giving us nightmares than any warm, fuzzy feelings. What on earth is happening here? Can these folks blend their heads together somehow without the rest of the world knowing? Consider yourself busted, dad.

Nice abs

You may not notice anything wrong with this picture at first. It’s just two women in a clothing store – and a pretty denim-filled clothing store at that. If you look at the lady on the right, though, something quickly becomes apparent: those aren’t her abs. Yes, she’s standing over the bottom half of a mannequin. Or we hope it’s a mannequin, anyway...

“They grow up so fast”

This child seems like a real whiz kid. He’s graduated years ahead of his peers. The strangest part of this photo, though? The bottom right corner. We ultimately know that huge hand actually belongs to the guy on the left, but still. That’d be quite a growth spurt!

Pigeon invasion

Don’t you just hate it when you can’t find your car? Well, if this photograph is anything to go by, giant pigeons can relate. Thanks to the perspective and the color of the concrete, we have this gloriously bizarre visual. Let’s just hope the birds are good drivers.

Freeze Frame

This is the point in the movie where you'd hear a record scratch and this terrified man's voice-over say "How did I get here? Well, it's a long story." We hope it ends with him gliding safely on home to have a big mug of cocoa and not at the hospital.

Cry for Help

Being a substitute teacher can be tough. It means either putting on a movie for the class to keep them quiet or attempting to get the class to finish an assignment. Here, the sub tried the latter and sent out a not too subtle signal. Morse code is old fashioned anyway.

Hawk-like Precision

Sometimes, catching your reflection while snapping a photo might be a hindrance. In this case, it was totally advantageous. While skyscrapers might be too tall for comfort, their height appeals to big old hawks looking for a place to rest. Somehow this person pulled off the most carefully timed reflection picture ever.

Cat eyes

Sure, those models on the Abercrombie & Fitch bags are easy to look at. But they're usually not starting back with such alertness! Oh, that's a cat you say? Just a feline optical illusion and not the eyes of a real human model? Well, brand reps might want to take notes on what makes a customer double-take.

Sports fan

Taking a photo with your athletic idol can be a dream come true for some. If the headache of the real meet and greet is too much, grabbing that special snapshot while standing in front of your own TV screen is a more comfortable and realistic option. Hey, it could even be more intimate!

Dog drive-through

Just when you thought dogs driving cars was impossible, they start taking a spin through the Dunkin drive-through. We bet he even tipped over 20 percent too because dogs are polite customers. What's that? You say that a human is actually ordering and the dog is sitting on his lap? Well, if only.

Monsters from Alien

"In space, no one can hear you scream." That was the tagline for the 1979 spooky sci-fi flick, Alien. But now, it would seem the menacing creatures have made it to earth. The Xenomorphs can terrify in even the friendliest of forms. Where is Sigourney Weaver-with-a-flamethrower, when you need her!

Oh Nose

There's beauty in every being but this cat's facial situation makes finding that beauty pretty difficult. Luckily, cats aren't actually saddled with human noses. This is a prank cup designed to fool you, though, in this instance, the kitty made the trick even more upsetting.

Hobbit feet

Has this little Hobbit not grown into their hairy feet yet? Before you know it, they'll be off tending to their hobbit-holes or fighting the ultimate evil. There's no other explanation for such a little kid to have flippers that big. Unless those feet belong to a fun-loving parent seated directly behind them.

Salami head

Do you remember going to the drive-ins and seeing the intermission commercials? A cartoon hotdog beckoned you to head over to the snack bar. Now we see where that cartoon icon went after that chapter of his life ended, on to the next venture, working with the product he knows best — himself.

Somebody's watching me

Sometimes we feel like somebody's watching us, but then we realize it's just a reflection of a trusty bedside lamp in the lenses of glasses.

A purrfect picture

A friendship that defies nature: a cat with its panda pal...wait, no, that's just the cat's butt.

Head check

Is this a man with a dog's head? Or a dog with a human body growing out of his neck? We think they need a head adjustment because this picture is insane!